SC Pictures for Kosair Charities


Child abuse is rampant in our communities. The recent twisted existence we have all lived due to COVID has made it worse. Unfortunately, a lot of adult frustrations get taken out on children. The second I received this brief, I knew that we'd take on the project. Giving back has always been part of our DNA, but this was a story that had to be told. As you look at these images and videos, realize that the kids represented here are the lucky ones. They are all child actors who were able to get into the roles after I told them what happens to other kids who are less fortunate than they are.


We approached this project differently. We knew that we'd be dealing with sensitive issues and working to get the kids to emote, so we opted to do it with a tiny crew. We spread the production out over multiple days as we knew that we'd have to give each performance time to get to where we needed it. We used minimal lighting and worked hard to create the drama required to make the vignettes moody. Working with the kids was very rewarding as they all put themselves in vulnerable places for us.


The creative director behind the project felt like this needed to be hard-hitting, and he knew that certain people would not like it as it uncovered an ugly part of society. The finished campaign "Face It" was a huge success as it did just what it set out to do. It is making people stand up and take notice. The big question remains is if we can help evoke change...

Let’s Work Together

From live action to still imagery or a combo of both, let us show you how we can present your concept in the best light.